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Наши предложения
Дополнительные фотографии
Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S / Один игрок / Достижения в Xbox / Присутствие в Xbox / Облачные сохранения в Xbox / Xbox Live
Nightdive Studios • Экшн и приключения • Стрелялки
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Описание товара

Turok is back and no dinosaur is safe! When it was first released in 1997, Turok introduced gamers to a world teeming with cunning enemies, traps, puzzles and deadly weapons all within a vast 3D environment ready to explore. Now the classic game has been restored and enhanced with a new visual engine and exciting new features to sink your teeth into!

The Lost Land...

A world where time has no meaning - and evil knows no bounds. Torn from a world long gone, the time traveling warrior Turok has found himself thrust into a savage land torn by conflict. An evil overlord known as 'The Campaigner' seeks to shred the fabric of time and rule the universe using an ancient artifact known as 'The Chronoscepter'. The Chronoscepter was shattered thousands of years ago in an effort to keep it from falling into evil hands. The Campaigner has constructed a massive focusing array which he plans to use to magnify and pervert the power of the Chronoscepter in order to shatter the barriers between the ages and rule the universe. Turok has vowed to find the eight pieces of the Chronoscepter spread throughout the Lost Land and put an end to The Campaigner's evil plot...

To learn more you must enter the world of Turok

Completely 3-D Virtual World
Run, jump, climb in any direction in a fully 3D world, with the ability to independently look and aim your weapons up, down, or sideways.
Intelligent Enemies Programmed for Ferocity
Variable aggression profiles make each enemy behave uniquely.
14 Monstrous High-tech Weapons
From the Grenade Launcher, Plasma Pulse Rifle and Alien Weapon, to the Quad Rocket Launcher and, the mother of all guns, the Atomic Fusion Cannon!
Advanced Interactive Backgrounds with Particle Technology
Cobwebs sway. Bubbles form rings on the water's surface. Bullets ricochet. Trees explode into flames and crash to the ground. Waterfalls boil with foam.
Bionically Engineered Dinosaurs
Razor-toothed Raptors. Artillery-packing Triceratops. Alien Infantry and a Laser-Guided T-Rex. Following your every move with head-tracking technology.

Turok Son of Stone TM & © 2015 by Random House, Inc. Under license to Classic Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Наши предложения XBOX
Озвучка Английский
Субтитры Английский
Дополнительные фотографии Загрузить
URL инструкции Руководство пользователя XBOX
Возможности Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S / Один игрок / Достижения в Xbox / Присутствие в Xbox / Облачные сохранения в Xbox / Xbox Live
Жанр Nightdive Studios • Экшн и приключения • Стрелялки
Можно играть на Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
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