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Описание товара

A charming 3D roguelite platformer about a normal day in the life of a knight! Sharpen the spear and make the Dragon run in fear! Oh, and also try to manage a date with princesses & princes you rescue.

Once upon a time, in a Far Away Land, an Evil Dragon took prisoner every royal heir he could meet. Lots of worthy suitors of every kingdom tried to face the beast, without success. Now it's your turn! You'll have to do your best to beat the dungeon, defeat the dragon, and manage the most perfect date!

Every run is a unique adventure
A fresh gameplay combination of 3D platforming & roguelite. Choose your knight, invite the princess and take them to the Castle full of procedurally generated dungeons and traps!

Choose the weapon that suits your playing style!
Take a sharp and mighty sword or a long rifle that allows you to fight from a distance and upgrade it with extra abilities!

Cheerful & light-hearted atmosphere
Dive into the cheerful atmosphere full of encouragement and support. You don't have to be a perfect knight to succeed!

Let not the charming visual style trick you!
The game is inspired by the classic adventure games, 3D platformers and the Dark Souls series and not as casual as it may look at a first glance!


Дата выхода 8/9/2022
Жанры Экшен / Приключения
Платформа PS4
Озвучка Английский
Субтитры Английский
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URL инструкции Руководство пользователя PS4/PS5
Доп параметры 1 player / DUALSHOCK 4 vibration
Заголовки PS4
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Похожие товары (8)


Tower Princess

Every run is a unique adventure
A fresh gameplay combination of 3D platforming & roguelite. Choose your knight, invite the princess and take them to the Castle full of procedurally generated dungeons and traps!

Choose the weapon that suits your playing style!
Take a sharp and mighty sword or a long rifle that allows you to fight from a distance and upgrade it with extra abilities!

Cheerful & light-hearted atmosphere
Dive into the cheerful atmosphere full of encouragement and support. You don't have to be a perfect knight to succeed!

Let not the charming visual style trick you!
The game is inspired by the classic adventure games, 3D platformers and the Dark Souls series and not as casual as it may look at a first glance!' />
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